Lust and beyond. 難能可貴地探討性少數群體(或是噱頭)在親密關係及其延伸上的相處與接受之道「七夫之祸」所以利己之上變成索取與付出之間的拉鋸願意傾其所有去包容和給予我所能之一切義無反顧太虐了又太愛了負罪感太磨折若是二人之間落差小同質高會不會容易得多男一演技炸了
It is incredibly admirable how various female directors and screenwriters adapt women's stories and books not based on an attempt to dramatize but based on sensitivity towards what has been considered somehow "uniquely" womanly. It also takes a normalizing stance towards social anxiety, mental illness, and LGBTQ. Such is life, brutal but honest.