Adventure time 最喜歡的動畫之一很多季的不經意的幾集太哲學了 It seems unforgiving when a good thing ends but you and I will always be back then. Singing will happen, happening happened Will happen, happening happened And we'll happen again and again Cause you and I will always be back then
一开始看着小助理【剑网三侠肝义胆沈剑心第二季】出现还以为会有什么有关于谋夺遗产的片段后来证明我想多了这只是一部不含任何杂质的温暖的电影或许没有edward那样的能力做不烧钱就做不到的事但是就像片尾曲唱的一样say what you need to say,and before it is too late.