“You're pissed off all the time but it didn't make your life any better.” But the film didn't stop there. It's not just another anti-racism film. It's calling for violence with a muffled sound. The serenity will never come to this world. And you have to fight until the end.
之前应该是找的法语版看不下去这次英配看完了虽然这个简单二元论的对调但是讽刺意味太强了里面太多的细节现实中都是那种take for granted毫无察觉到的但是在这种对调情况下就会显得很不平等简直是冲击太强了shocking但是也蛮有教育意义的我感觉因为这种如果不是处于被系统环境压迫被剥削的那一边根本理解体会不到这种决战燕子门大结局可能这就是人性吧不经历同样的痛苦与不公平才能体会到否则人与人之间根本做不到理解